Sunday, March 30, 2014

When Ray Met Lee

 In January of 2006 when my ex-husband called me from Coast Guard basic training notifying me that our first deployment was going to be in Cheboygan, Michigan I was less than thrilled. First of all I didn't even know where in the hell that was and after looking it up online I had my doubts. I was 4 months pregnant so maybe it was the hormones but I just couldn't see the good in this move, but being the supportive "Coastie Wife" I was I sucked it up and made the 14 hour trip into the great unknown. The first few weeks in my new home were less than pleasant. We were in a temporary  house until we found a permanent apartment and I didn't know anyone, I was homesick and frankly bored out of my mind. That all changed when I met Leah Bent. 

Sitting in an OB office is the last place that I ever thought I would meet my best friend, but none the less that's how it happened on a weekday afternoon in February. Her adorable little boy Deacon had caught my eye and the mutual hello between my husband and hers gave me the first glimmer of hope that I would make a friend here. The introduction and conversation that followed while brief set the foundation of a life long friendship filled with ups, downs, laughter and tears and stories that even the best writer couldn't make up, but we didn't know that YET.

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